Overwhelming issues use to appear when we face moments of absolutely incapacity. While you feel no motivation at all for continuing what you do, specially whether you are doing a work that you’ve struggled a lot to get. It's a cruel reality, However shouldn't be considered as a big loss. Perhaps because in everyone's path, the journey that we all have to trial will constantly bring ourselves down, somehow.
Kinda morbid way to see the things lately, but it seems to smash right up on our heads the frustration of most part of population that can't stand living their lives without getting an oportunity to show what they can do. People pacing up and down into the stores, all alone, running out back and forth, with no direction silencing their desires in favor of getting anything that will give its sustent for about a month or else.
Brazilians are all familiar with such scenario...Every day, as soon as the radio and tv are turned on, Countless lines are formed outside big stores and factories, selecting people for internshift that filled up the schedule of most part of youngers who are tyring to get their first chance in a job. Or even those who were just dropped out of the college, well-prepared but without any instruction that might apply them on the market.
Worldwide the situation is not as different as it is in Brazil or other developing countries, the big mass of labors that are starting their career combined to the number of unemployees might lead the world to another crisis. Previously, those who lived on the countries of the Third World and had the grave of completing the college, would have to improve their knlowledgment by apllying into masterdegrees and PHD courses to achieve better positions in companies.
Today even the ones who were borned on North America or Europe are having to do all of this to get a real good life and, in spite of it's being good that they are dealing the same problems as we all do. The gap between who are well-prepared and who aren't are widding up.
Capitalism is cyclical, and what can appear to be a disaster will be the chance of other generations to build up another sustainable oportunities. Human beings are inventive enough to scale new priorities that, in the future, can become new jobs and add the huge level of labors that are still filling out the lines, seeking for a decent living.
Rafael Gomes